One day, I went to get a massage. The guy who massaged me was the hottest guy imaginable. When he started to massage me, I got really hot, especially since I was naked except for a towel. He massaged up my leg, and I just couldn’t take it. I flipped over, took my towel off, and kissed him hard. I undressed him and we had passionate, hot sex for the whole day.What a happy ending!! I have been back every week since……=0)
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Daniella
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1.866.414.6284 to call Daniella. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

I might look sweet on the outside.. But trust me, when i say i can make your blood boil on the inside… Because the chick right here knows how to be NOT SO NICE to your pathedic little cock and balls..
By the time i have you squirly little built self in restraints it will be too late for you too call your wife or mother to help you..
You will will throb, maybe even cry.. But will i care FUCK NO …
So if you wanna talk to selfish, little spoiled brat, who knows how to keep a man in his place..
Guess what fuck stick you found her !!!
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Whitney
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1.866.428.9612 to call Whitney. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
With it being football season I thought I would share a little fantasy of mine.
My team wins and is all excited and pumped full of energy and runs in to the locker room to find me standing there waiting to show how much I luv them for winning for me. I am their biggest fan!
As they run in and see me they all just start stripping off their uniforms and I am surrounded by dozens of cocks of different sizes and colors. One thing they all have in common though….they are all rock hard.
They pull me in to the big boys shower and all of them start touching me and squeezing me, smacking me on my ass and putting their big strong hands all over my body.
In my fantasies we do all kinds of things, all of my holes being filled up by all those sexy jocks. I suck more dick then any girl has probably ever sucked in their lifetime. The grand finale of my fantasy is every one of those players, even the mascot, coaches and gatoraide boys are all standing over me while I am on my knees in that shower and they all jack off and cum on me simutaneously. There is so much cum the shower floor looks like someone spilled a couple gallons of milk on it. Anyone up for being my favorite team?

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jillian
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1.866.676.9614 to call Jillian. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

Hello…. SEXXXYYY !!! I just got out of a nice HOT SHOWER. I’m nice and trimmed, lotioned up and smelling so,so good. One look at your nice HARD COCK!!! And i would be on you like a little MINX …
Im ready to feel that hot cream explode in TRINDI’s tight little fucked hole.
Call me let’s teach the others what phone sex is really all about :::WINKS:::
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Trindi
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1.866.379.5123 to call Trindi. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

Hey guys,
Just wanted to wish each and every one of you a very special New Year, I hope this year brings lots of fun and cum to you!!! A special thanks to all my devoted callers…you all know who you are…. Dennis you are one of my favorite callers, I love getting you off, you are such a naughty boy… I love to hear you cum for me.
I am home alone and waiting for your call, give me a shout so we can cum together.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Kimmie
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1.866.418.0700 to call Kimmie. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
So I have had a few calls from a very interesting caller lately, I will call him Mister H. Anyways we have been talking about any and everything imaginable. Lots of our conversations have been me seductively dominating him. He has been such an obedient little slut and I just wanted to take a minute out to say thank you for being so much fun to play with. :-) (I cannot wait until you get the chasity belt, and I also am looking forward to us shopping together for your new sissy outfits online soon to)
In honor of Mister H. I am going to run a special this month. He has been saying he wants a pair of my panties.
So a free pair of panties for all calls over 30 minutes for this week only. They will be panties saturated in my cum from our phone fuck session. I do mean saturated, I am a squirter.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jillian
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1.866.676.9614 to call Jillian. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

Hey guys~ Im back after finals and Christmas break … I had a blast! It was great to see family and friends and not to mention my old high school fuck buddies. I was a bad,bad girl !!!!
So for the rest of this week im running specials … A fuck quicky - $15.00
Blow jobs by Addison - $15.00 ( I use my dildo its yummy.)
A hot hour with me- $80.00 Bucks you can beat that !!!!!
Stay hot and naughty for me … And call me soon… Muah
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Addison
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1.866.949.4311 to call Addison. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
That fat fuck flew right past my house!! Damn him! well, I dont give a shit… I had more fun being fucking naughty all year long.. besides, who wants to belike santa anyways…Poor fuck only cums once a year!!

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Daniella
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1.866.414.6284 to call Daniella. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
So we played a little game at my holiday party last week! Kinda like an X rated pin the tail on the donkey.
We all got shit faced, then the boys stood in a line. all of the girls went down thew line and hugged each of the boys. then , one at a time the boys, blindfolded dropped their pants. one by one, a blindfolded girl came into the room, got on her knees and began to take cocks in her mouth alllll the way down the line. It was up to her, based on her observations during the hug which cock belonged to whom. The boys then also had to guess who was doing the sucking, what fun that was!! the winner got a night on the town from all of us…Congrats, London!!!
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Nikki
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1.866.394.2779 to call Nikki. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Charlie
View Charlie's
1.866.825.4709 to call Charlie. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.