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Archive for the 'Size Queen Phone Sex' Category

Small Penis Humiliation

My teen pussy is too good for that tiny, little thing you like to call a dick. You may not think that it’s little, but it is. Other girls may have said they were 

satisfied with it, but they were totally lying.

It’s so sad that you were born with something so tiny and pathetic. It’s hard for me not to laugh at it, and even share the laughter with my girlfriends. 

I’ve fucked many high school and college football players and they’re hung like a horse. Do you think I could possibly fuck you after being with them? HA, no way!

When you call me, you will get total honesty. I’m not going to fake it and tell you that your dick would pleasure me. You won’t ever hear me say that it’s nice either. I will give it to you straight up.

If you’re looking for a small dick humiliation phone sex call, then you need to not look any further. I’m the one that you want to call, and I will humiliate you just the way you need.


Written By: Coed Charlie

Call Charlie@ 1-866-825-4709

Visit Charlie’s Profile 

Read Charlie’s Phone Sex Blog

Email Me: coedcharlie@aol.com

My Other Sites:Smitten Kittens&The Klassy Kat




This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Charlie
Dial 1.866.825.4709 to call Charlie. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.