Can you guess why i wear pretty panties?
Well? To grab the attention of panty boys and shrimp dick losers!! Hello …
Once I pull my sexy little skirt up and they start to see the lace.
Yep, It’s all over in seconds their itty bitty dicks a skeet skeet skeeting away just from the vison of my moist spot.
LOL~ I may even let you wear a pair of my creamy sexy little panties.
Bet i have you think twice now………….. You mind is telling you .. Yes, Yes,Yes I wanna fuck Addison’s panties…
Muah….. Addison
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Addison
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1.866.949.4311 to call Addison. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
So, I went to NYC this weekend to hang with my girlies. OMG we had a blast. My girlfriend Niki knows all the good clubs. Guys bought us drinks. They were taking pictures of us like we were celebrities. It was like they knew we were coming and rolled out the red carpet for us. My girlfriend got a limo and we drank so much even before we went to the clubs. By the end of the night I was soooooo wasted. We all took our clothes off in the limo and played touchy feelie. We were rubbing each others pussies and it felt intoxicating more than I already was!
As we were going down Times Square we opened the sunroof with no tops on and let our titties bounce around. Ummm yea! We certainly got tons of attention. Guys were willing to pays us like thousands of dollars to come home with us. We were having a girls night out so we didn’t take up on anyone’s offer, even though it was very tempting.
All my girls are hot as hell just like yours truly!!! I will be going back again real soon. I partied like a fucking rock star this weekend and it was fabulous!!
<3 JENNY <3

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jenny
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1.877.292.5338 to call Jenny. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
I am sitting here all covered in cum waiting for all of you nasty boys to call and add your donation. From now till Sunday all I am going to do in anwser the phone and take donation for my own personal sperm bank.
Shoot it any where on me you like. I just love the way it feels when it dries on me and makes me all sticky and dirty. Bring it on boys I am waiting.
Juicy Jesse

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jesse
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1.866.996.6060 to call Jesse. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

Ha Ha - I have the answer !
Bald Pussy
1 1/2 shots melon liqueur
1 shot lime vodka
1 shot Absolut® vodka
1 shot triple sec
1 1/2 shots blueberry schnapps
1 splash lime juice
1 splash 7-Up® soda
Always serve in a high ball glass and it will make her kitty purrr it did mine…
This week im basically giving calls away.. With some out of this world SPECIALS …
10mins for $18.00
30mins for $50.00
Hour Block 60mins You never lose your minutes buy in bulk!
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Trindi
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1.866.379.5123 to call Trindi. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
I love wearing little short skirts. I have like a million of them all hanging in my closet. All short of course (giggles). I have a caller (T.J.) who loves when I dress up in my skirts when we are on the phone together. I wear a different one each time he calls me. I describe it to him and I let him know it barely covers my cute, little ass. When he calls, I dress up and sit my body down in my big comfy chair in my living room and spread my legs with my skirt still on and rub my clit till I squirt all over my pretty skirt. T.J. loves my creative mind and super young voice he wants to cum instantly when he hears my voice, but I don’t let that happen. I love to show off my teen body for you! Call me so I can send you xxx pics of me and let me show you a good time.

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Chelsea
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1.866.477.1043 to call Chelsea. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
Not that I was ever big on romance anyway, but its always sad when a friend says goodbye…even if it is for a very good reason. Soooo, A fond farewell to my special fuck friend..u knw who you are!
Now that that tribute is over .. lets fucking party!! Columbus day is cumin u and I dont have any class[or so i am often accused of…lmao!!] So I am offering specials for that dayonly!! While every other site is raising prices..Charlie is going down..and down and down!! 15 min for $25…all day long baby!!
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Nikki
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1.866.394.2779 to call Nikki. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

Anyone up for playing peak a boo with my panties? Let me rub my little pussy up and down on Big Daddies nose, I wanna get naughty and wet. Watch your little Whitney run her little nunnie through her sheer little panties. Wanna lick em, maybe even rub you cuck with them?
Im calling all panty addicts who wants a sniff? lol
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Whitney
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1.866.428.9612 to call Whitney. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.
I visited a glory hole yesterday. I was amazed when I walked in and there were so many waiting in line for their visit in the booth. As soon as I walked up to wait in line all of the men pushed me to the front of the line and told me to stay as long as I wanted. I got inside of my booth and had no sooner sat down then the first cock popped through the hole in the wall. I was kind of scared at first, but I dropped to my knees and sucked it just like a pro. He spurted in about 15 seconds. I swear I must have sucked 25 cocks that day. I am going back tonight because my pussy needs pumped full of cum.

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jesse
View Jesse's
1.866.996.6060 to call Jesse. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.