Professor, did you miss me over the summer, your favorite little sex kitten? Have you been masturbating with the panties that I left for during finals last spring? Is your cock throbbing for me yet?
I am back on campus for the fall semester. Your class is closed, but find a spot for me, Professor. Make one of the ugly girls drop your class. I am your eager little beaver. I am back ready to tease you in the front row with my tight tops and mini school girl skirts. I distract you with my wicked body built to tempt you into giving me very good grades. You know that I have no time to study. I want to fuck all the hot boys on campus, but I always make time in my busy schedule to stop by for a sexy visit during your office hours. None of the boys on campus can make me squirt like you do with your big cock, Professor!
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by KimmieView Kimmie's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
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