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My Bestfriends Dad

Kinky KylieHey guys Kylie here! When I was still in high school I had an affair with my best friend’s Dad who was 43 at the time. WOW and it’s one of the sweetest, hottest, sexiest memories I have and when I think about how it all happened, I get so hot and turned on! I would love to share with you the sexy details. When you call me, I will get out my favorite sex toys and I will make us both cum like never before!

Kinky Kylie


This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Kylie and Taylor
View Kylie and Taylor's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
Dial Kylie and Taylor 866-441-5978 to call Kylie and Taylor. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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