I am so excited! Phone sex daddy is taking this whole month off from work. We recently moved to a new house, and there is so many big, black men. OH YES! Lots of big black cock for me and daddy to have fun times with. I wonder if that is why daddy picked this neighborhood. There is lots of jailbait girls like me, as well!
While daddy was talking to the movers, I noticed they were looking at my bald little cunnie. They were pointing and smiling. What could they be thinking about? Oh you sillies, it is me, my tiny, little body and sex, of course!
Daddy asked me if I would invite one of the girls I met to come over for dinner and “stuff” Lol, “stuff”. He wanted me to invite Jamie because she had bigger tits than most girls my age. I would do anything to make daddy happy!
Happy Holidays to all my Phone Sex Daddies!
Love Tiny K
Call Katie@ 1-866-437-0313
Email Me: lilsexkittenkate@aol.com
My Other Site: Smitten Kittens
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Katie
Dial 1.866.437.0313 to call Katie. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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