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Bad Little Girls Need Spankings

You always enjoyed bending me over your knees with my skirt hiked up, slapping my young ass with your firm hands. Sometimes you spanked me so hard, sitting was unbearable. I always had a remembrance of you when I looked in the mirror and saw your hand print on my swollen, red ass. I know you got off on it because you were always naked when you were giving me spankings and I could see your cock get so hard every time you slapped my tushy harder. Your dick was practically poking me in the face. I wonder what you would have done if all of a sudden you felt my young, tender lips around your cock? Would you spank me harder for being such a bad little girl? I was so young back then you didn’t think I would remember you being naked, huh? Oh I remember and I think I need a spanking from you again….soon!

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Lucie
Dial 1-888-758-8110 to call Lucie. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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