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Wonder why I wear pretty panties?

addison-blog-pic.jpg Can you guess why i wear pretty panties?

Well? To grab the attention of panty boys and shrimp dick losers!! Hello …

Once I pull my sexy little skirt up and they start to see the lace.

Yep, It’s all over in seconds their itty bitty dicks a skeet skeet skeeting away just from the vison of my moist spot.

LOL~ I may even let you wear a pair of my creamy sexy little panties.

Bet i have you think twice now………….. You mind is telling you .. Yes, Yes,Yes I wanna fuck Addison’s panties…

Muah….. Addison

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Addison
Dial 1.866.949.4311 to call Addison. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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