I was dressed up for an anime convention, but after the long bus ride, I stopped in the mall to use the bathroom before going to the con. On my way back, a cell phone salesman stopped and asked me about my character, and offered to take me to eat.
We got along great and went out on a date a couple days later. We heavily made out in the movie theater, and after it ended, he took me to his house. He was a raver, so he had hours of endurance. This wasn’t even close to my first time, but I took pride in my tight pussy. He was just too big, so he used a little extra “help”. To have something so big inside me was mind blowing. After half an hour, I came, but he wasn’t done.
He pulled out and started fucking me in my ass. It didn’t hurt, but I acted like it did, just so I could dig my fingers into his back and moan loud enough that his roommates would hear. We came together right after we knocked over a lamp and shattered the light bulb.
It was amazing, and though we met up a few more times, we lost contact shortly. Nothing has compared to that first night with him, and since him, I’ve always been unsatisfied during and after sex.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by IsabelleView Isabelle's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
Dial 1.866.704.9517 to call Isabelle. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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