Even a hardcore slut like me has a softer side. I just found the pefect man to tap into it too. He calls me babydoll.
says he wants to makelove to me.
he caresses me, kisses me, tells me I am perfect and beautiful .
He makes me believe it. I have never been made to feel so wonderful before in my life. Makes me think twiceabout guysmy age and who I am fucking nowadays, cuz I kinda like feeling like the princess!
Guys my age dont appreciate, and dot know how to truly bring out the pleaser in me. But this guy… with what he sys to me? would do just about anything to ensure his satifaction.!
So for all of you older Gentlemen who wanna get with some young tight hot flesh? I am your Candy girl ..I will appreciate all of your experience, and belieeeeeve me, sex, i have no problem returning the favor!
Dial 1.866.414.6284 to call Daniella. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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