Working out always makes me so horny!
How about you?
I lift weights on the machines first, and then I do my cardio routine. It really gets the juices flowing. I start sweating, and my cotton thong becomes soaked. There are hot guys and hot babes all over the gym. Maybe everyone gets as horny as me. I spot you over in that corner of the free weight room. Wow, you are looking good. I never see you with a girl here. Hopefully, you are single. I grab a couple of small free weights, and I stand next to you in front of the mirror. I mimic your form. I glance over and comment how strong you are. You reward me with a smile. I set my weights down when you do. Craving you cock in me, time for seduction. By leaning in and placing my hand on your hand, looking into your eyes, our hot sweaty bodies are touching.
Want to come back to my place and shower with me?
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Isabelle
Dial 1.866.704.9517 to call Isabelle. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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