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OMG Brookie, dont you ever do that again!!

What a night!! On Cinco de Mayo, Nawty Brookie and I went down to a local dive to tie one on…..SHE ended up volunteering me to add some flavor to the bartending menu, and subsequently, we invented a new Margarita called a”Blue-Balled Guru”[A master of the tease, if you will…]

after 6 gurus, I ended up in the parking lot on a dare with a cock in each of my holes!!! [if any of you are reading this, we will be back, same place same time on the 12th…I want to re-acquaint myself with the guy whose cock was in my mouth…you gave me stretch marks!!lol!!

like I said, Its alllll Brookes fault….lol!!ki.jpg

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Nikki
Dial 1.866.394.2779 to call Nikki. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

2 Responses to “OMG Brookie, dont you ever do that again!!”

  1. 1 Tiggs

    Sounds like you were the cause of your own GURU problems. Maybe you need a Tigger furrie someday soon!


  2. 2 Charlie

    Whatthe hell is a tigger furrie???lmao!!

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