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Naughty Schoolgirl!

Dear Teacher,

I am very sorry that I was so naughty in your classroom today. I am guilty of many crimes today.

I was trying to distract you by wearing these tight jeans.  I wanted you to stare at my butt when I was up at the board.  I was hoping that you wouldn’t notice that I didn’t do my homework assignment.

I was flirting with the cute boy behind me.  I was hoping that you would notice and maybe become a little jealous of my affections towards him.

I was chewing gum in your class, but it was only so you would notice my mouth.  I wanted you think of all the naughty things that I can do to you with my mouth.

I was rubbing my pussy through my jeans under my desk, so you would make me stay after school for being so naughty.  I have been a naughty little cocktease today and I need to be taught a lesson.

Your naughty girl,


This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Trindi
Dial 1.866.379.5123 to call Trindi. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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