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My Date Got a Surprise!


I met this cute guy at Starbucks the other day and he asked me on a date and I agreed to go out with him.

He picked me up and took me to dinner and then we went to the movies. He was super nice but the date was a yawn fest. He was a total gentleman but I needed more action than this. I still wanted to hang out with him so I asked if he wanted to go to a party that I was invited too but declined because of my date. 

We got to the party and most people were wasted at this point. I grabbed my date and myself a drink and we did some shots to catch up. I thought after a few drinks my cute date would loosen up but he was still a little stiff (and I don’t mean his cock.)

I kind of left him and started mingling with other people and having more shots. At the end of the night, I was feeling good. I looked for my date but just assumed he left the party. 

 Later on, I was upstairs in some strangers bedroom with 6 guys surrounding me. I was riding a cock reverse cowgirl on the floor with a cock in my mouth and stroking 2 cocks on each side of me. All of a sudden, this bright light came in from the hallway and there was my date standing at the door with a total look of shock. I invited him to join in but he wanted nothing to do with the gang bang. 

That defiantly sealed the deal for me. If he joined in, I would of totally went out with him again but since he ran away, he wasn’t the man for me.  



Written By: Allison

Call Allison @ 1-866-414-6375

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Read Allison’s Phone Sex Blog

Email Me: urbabygirlalley@aol.com


This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Allison
Dial 1.866.414.6375 to call Allison. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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