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lets see if Tiggs finds this….

hey there naughty guy… theres 5 free minutes for you says Brooky if you respond to this post!!!!

So do I ever get to “bouncy bouncy trouncy ‘ on your cock or is she the only one who gets to enjoy it????funfunfunfunfun!!!!009.jpg

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Nikki
Dial 1.866.394.2779 to call Nikki. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

3 Responses to “lets see if Tiggs finds this….”

  1. 1 Daniela

    what, ur giving the shit away now??? wtf!!!

  2. 2 tigger

    Brooky is such a funny kitten. And what is Daniela talking about “giving the shit away” when she is giving 10 minutes of “shit” away. WTF!!! Just calling as I see it. Hey Nikki did Brooky tell you that you were in the last call and you got to take a little bounce on the the tigger stick. Brooky I would have never found this without your hints. Talk to you in the AM.


  3. 3 tigger

    Lets see if brooky will check on my homework?

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