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Kiss my hot little juicy booty !!!! I have your Cock and Balls now …


I might look sweet on the outside.. But trust me, when i say i can make your blood boil on the inside…  Because the chick right here knows how to be NOT SO NICE to your pathedic little cock and balls..

By the time i have you squirly little built self in restraints it will be too late for you too call your wife or mother to help you..

You will will throb, maybe even cry.. But will i care FUCK NO …

So if you wanna talk to selfish, little spoiled brat, who knows how to keep a man in his place..

Guess what fuck stick you found her !!!

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Whitney
Dial 1.866.428.9612 to call Whitney. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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