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Im not the average girl next door!

prod_107_16712.gifIm young but have sexual interest way beyond my years. The naughtier the better.
It just happens… As soon as I know I have his attention the bitch cums out!
So i say let’s fuck the homework cause ADDISON’S got a new strap-on (giggles).
Let see who’s little pig skin is worthy enough to get my attention LMAO..
Opps did I say that..

So get off your butt and call me…
Any new callers who buy a call get 10 free minutes on me.. (with a paid call)…



This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Addison
Dial 1.866.949.4311 to call Addison. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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