It is the last day of my internship. You are my manager and have been very pleased with my performance. My skills with the hotel guests are quite remarkable. You like that I solve problems and make each guest feel very special. It has been a difficult summer for you. Many of your employees have violated the dress code, such as girls dressing slutty to get big tips. Employees stealing bottles of expensive liquor from the pool bar and spending the night in the hotel rooms. You appreciate that I have adhered to all of the rules and regulations, but it is my last night. Time to break all the rules! Time to let my hair down and let the little sex kitten in me come out and play.
I have followed all the rules, including dress code. You are very strict about the girls not dressing too provocatively. That is hard to do for me with my sexy curves. I have kept my hair up, glasses on, worn just the appropriate amount of make-up, never any lipstick. There was never any excessive cleavage showing. I have been a very good girl.
Since it is my last night, you need to give me my performance review. The front desk is very busy and my replacement is getting trained in your office tonight. Innocently, I suggest the pool deck for our final meeting. It will be quiet out there since it rained earlier. You smile and nod.
I let my hair out of my bun as we sit down. You watch my long dark hair cascade over my shoulders, and blow in the ocean breeze. There is a full moon tonight. You need to remind yourself that this is a meeting, not a date. You start my review. “You are a great problem solver, Isabelle. While you have only been with us this for a short time, you never ran away from a problem. Even the tough, hard problems.” I am bored. I have really stopped listening. You are very uptight but so cute. I want to play.
I put my hand on your knee. “I like some things hard.” I unbutton a couple of buttons to expose my very sexy bra. I bite my bottom lip. “Well if there is nothing else, and since my internship is done, we should celebrate by going for a swim in the pool.” I have been dying for a swim all summer long in this magnificent hotel pool. I slowly strip out of my little black pants and unbutton the rest of that top.
“Why don’t you join me? You work so hard. You deserve something special. I have had a crush on you all summer and remember, I am technically no longer your intern. It is no longer against any rules to fraternize with an intern. I am just a cute horny girl who is taking a midnight swim in the pool. Join me.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by IsabelleView Isabelle's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
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