Did anyone mention threesome? Oh that’s right I did.. hehe What a freaking blast we had last night. Pussy is here ..pussy there… pussy everywhere!!! We brought out the dildos, anal beads, stap-ons and double ended dildo. I know Taylor squirted at least 3x last night. She taste so amazing. Call us so we can give you the full x-rated details.
P.S We have a party this weekend that Taylor and yours truly were invited too. It’s a boat party and everybody has to come naked and bring their favorite sex toy. I can’t wait..this is going to be so exciting. Make sure you call us to hear all the hot stories.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Kylie and TaylorView Kylie and Taylor's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
Dial Kylie and Taylor 866-441-5978 to call Kylie and Taylor. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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