It’s so much fun at my parents house on the weekends. My step-brothers friends are constantly spending the night. I think it’s because they know I’m a nympho. I’m sure they heard some trash talk from my brother how much I love to suck and fuck. Every weekend somebody sneaks into my room, I’m not exactly sure who it is but he quietly enters my room around 2 am. I lay there quietly acting like I did not hear a thing. My pussy starts to get wet knowing whoever is standing in my room is going to take control over me. He pulls the covers back and climbs into bed with me covering my mouth with his hand while he pulls down my tiny panties. I act so helpless but secretly I love it. My sweet young pussy is always ready to get pounded on. Sometimes I try to figure out who it is in my bedroom but before I know it, he’s fucking my pussy hard and fast filling me up with my first load of the night.
Wanna join in on the fun! Call me … Wild Whitney
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Whitney
Dial 1.866.428.9612 to call Whitney. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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