Sometimes my callers like me to post calls they want to do with me or have done in my blogs so here you go…it is super hot! I came into my health class just like every other day except that I was wearing my cheerleading uniform. I had come to me earlier that day and asked if I could please oh please get some extra credit for the class. For months now H had wanted to see his Tiny K naked and he knew that there were others in the class that had the same fantasy as him. Mr S told that I could get extra credit if I came to my last class and would do exactly what he told me to do
When I came in Mr S had a screen set up in the corner and told me to go and remove my clothes and put on a lab coat. What the hell I thought. At first I really wanted to know why he wanted me to take off my clothes. He told me that it was for research and that I would get credit and I would also get my picture in an online modeling site. So after some thought I went behind the screen and returned with just the lab coat on. In the center of the classroom was an examination table and all of the chairs were facing it. He told Katie to lay down on my back on the table. In the class were about 12 student; 8 girls and 4 guys plus me and Mr S.
As I lay on the table, he walked over to the door and locked it and lowered the blinds. He began to talk about the last class and how they had questions about sexuality and many of them thought it would be easier if they had a live illustration of the human body. Thing was I could still Mr S was excited and breathing heavy This is where I came in He told the class that he would have a life size model of the human body and that we would take a closer look of the sex organs and those things that were associated with act of sex. As he talked I began to point out areas on my tiny little teen body that were sexual in nature and he would run his hand over my white lab coat.
One of the students asked if they could get a closer look and then they asked if Mr S would open the lab coat. At this I started to get somewhat scared being two years younger than any of the other students in the class and the fact that I had never been naked in front of any other person other than her mom and maybe her doctor. He quickly told her me it was for research and that if I wanted extra credit this is what was needed. I finally let go of the lab coat and allowed him to show the class my shaking and scared body. He took off his cold gloves and began to point out my tiny breasts and vagina to the class. He pulled on my puffy nipples to show the class how an aroused nipple looked like and he told the girls to feel their own tits and nipples. Some of the girls removed their shirts and pulled their tits from their bras. As he squeezed my tiny tits, his other hand to roam down towards my bare pussy. As his hand got closer he told that the class, that as a woman gets excited her pussy begins to get wet, hot and sticky. He encouraged the girls to feel their pussy and to allow the guys to feel and taste if they wanted Some of the girls at this point had their pants or skirts off and their panties around their ankles, and were quickly bringing themselves to an orgasm. All the while Mr S was finger fucking My little bald pussy till I was thrashing around the table moaning and gasping telling him that he was making her feel so good and that I had never felt this way before. After a few strokes he added two more fingers and placed his warm lips on her tits and began to suck and lick them. Mr S looked up and saw the four guys licking other girls tits and four of the girls doing this to each other. He then proceeded to show the class how to perform oral sex on me and he then encouraged the class to practice on each other. One of the girls, who was naked from the waist down leaped up on the table and asked if I could lick her, and he instructed me to make her cum. After this he had me give him a blow job and told the girls to do the same to the guys with that he watched as each guy received two blow jobs each but he told them not to cum. He told all the guys to gather round and allow me to blow them and then they were to ejaculate all over my pretty face. All five guys received a blow job and then they shot their loads over my tits, face and pussy. Once each of was done, Mr S instructed each of the girls to come up and clean me with their tongues. Once they were done, he told them that the next class, they would be learning about intercourse, both traditional and anal.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by KatieView Katie's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
Dial 1.866.437.0313 to call Katie. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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