You are thinking about her again, aren’t you daddy? I can’t say I blame you at all. Her lips are so pink and soft. You think about what it would feel like if she just opened her mouth and you pushed in your hard cock. I bet her little tongue is wet and warm. Those aren’t the only silky pink lips you are thinking of. It is okay daddy, I know you just love little girls and everything about them. Smell her soft silky hair. It smells just like peach from the shampoo you bought her. What are you waiting for? Your boring old wife is sound asleep and here is your chance. Do you know what I think? I think you need a cute little accomplice to play with her little bald kitty while you get off thinking about your little princess. I want it as much as you do! Call me.
Princess Katie, Your Little Accomplice.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by KatieView Katie's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
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