In high school all the geeky little nerds drooled over my hot cheerleader body. I can remember pep rally’s and how they would wait for me like stray pup’s all lined up against the gym wall “Hi Hanna!” *Rolling eyes*. As if I’m gonna say hi to those loser boy’s. Even today they nerdy guys just line up and beg to kiss my ass. I decided to take one up on the offer. Why? Because he is loaded $$$$$ and I knew that if I just pretended to like him a little he would fork out the dough for me and…I was right he did.
After a day of shopping at the mall I was completely famished so I called this guy I am seeing to meet at my favorite sushi place. Very expensive but awesome I love it. I made nerd boy pick up the bill for us both of us while he dined at a separate table. He just smiled satisfied to even be in my presence. lmao.
After dinner we went back to my place the three of us my boyfriend started to get frisky and I gave him all he wanted right in front of loser boy. Was so fucking funny to watch as he stroked away wishing he could be the one with me.
I think I will keep him around for awhile…lead him on make him think that I actually care a little. haha Are you a little loser too in need of a sexy girl like me to abuse you a bit? Well cum on then~I’m always up for it!
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