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Spring break sexcapades!!

I have never been so wild as I was this year!! totallt outta control!! i fucked my way through the Virgin Islands, which are Virginal no longer!!lol!!from now on they will be called “HornyNikkibangalot Islands”

Call me and get the slutty details!!03.jpgpic16.jpg

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Nikki
Dial 1.866.394.2779 to call Nikki. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

1 Response to “Spring break sexcapades!!”

  1. 1 tiggering


    I hope you enjoyed your island “hopping” with your bubby! May your “burning eyes” feel better soon and I am sure Pinky is glad you are back. Hope to hear from you when you get a chance! I might need to hear a little more about your Spring Break soon when things slow down!


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