No matter what your dirty little kink is, I love to hear it all. When guys call me and say “Kylie, do you have any taboos?” I just giggle in their ear and I say “No Silly” Nothing is too off the wall for me. In fact, the kinkier the better is my motto. Come on, if you guys don’t know me already I live with my bestfriend Taylor and we fuck all the time. Every chance we can get our pussies rub up againist each other. The other night I had a wicked bad dream so I went into Taylors room and crawled into her bed. She ate my pussy till I squirted all over her face. She knows exactly how to make me feel better and my rotten nightmare was long forgotten. The next morning I woke her up by getting out our double ended dido. I shoved it right inside her shaved cunt and we went at like wild dogs in heat. It was fucking amazing. We both came at the same time and then licked all our cum off the super long dong.
If you want more hot stories all you have to do is call. We are really roommates that love to fuck each other and YOU!
Yours Truly,
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Kylie and TaylorView Kylie and Taylor's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
Dial Kylie and Taylor 866-441-5978 to call Kylie and Taylor. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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