Sometimes on Monday I feel kind of devious, almost as if I could fuck out of control. Well.. Not almost i have!
I have a date arranged later and its not with my boyfriend. Im so excited cause im going to fuck my favorite cock.
Hands down Chris has something my boyfriend will never have A BIG COCK.
Chris has a great quality for giving it to me nasty and sends me home to my NOT SO FUCKABLE boyfriend.
My LITTLE COCKED LOSER waits with anticipation almost like a dog waiting for there owner.
Yep and as soon as i get home he will be on his knees with his face burried in my ass licking from hole to hole.
He can’t wait to sniff and lick and suck every drop of that hot cum jizz that’s hot my thighs all hot and wet.
OMG im ready to go again. Any of you strokers up for the challenge?
I’m a hot little fucking slut I promise.
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by TrindiView Trindi's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
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