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Its already starting…..cool weather makes the boys get hot!

005.jpgSchool has just begun, and already the boys are in heat!!!they didnt even wait the customary 2 weeks before swinging their dicks and shakin their sticks!!on Saturday night at The first unofficial frat house party, I fucked 3 different guys, and none of them knoew about the others!! then they actually all came over to my dorm the next day!!! [wish they hadnt, cuz i didnt remem their names, and really didnt care!!lol!!] Looks like its gonna be a banner year for lil nik!001.jpg

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Nikki
Dial 1.866.394.2779 to call Nikki. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

1 Response to “Its already starting…..cool weather makes the boys get hot!”

  1. 1 tiggs

    Nikki, You should grab these boys by their blue balls!

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