So, I went to NYC this weekend to hang with my girlies. OMG we had a blast. My girlfriend Niki knows all the good clubs. Guys bought us drinks. They were taking pictures of us like we were celebrities. It was like they knew we were coming and rolled out the red carpet for us. My girlfriend got a limo and we drank so much even before we went to the clubs. By the end of the night I was soooooo wasted. We all took our clothes off in the limo and played touchy feelie. We were rubbing each others pussies and it felt intoxicating more than I already was!
As we were going down Times Square we opened the sunroof with no tops on and let our titties bounce around. Ummm yea! We certainly got tons of attention. Guys were willing to pays us like thousands of dollars to come home with us. We were having a girls night out so we didn’t take up on anyone’s offer, even though it was very tempting.
All my girls are hot as hell just like yours truly!!! I will be going back again real soon. I partied like a fucking rock star this weekend and it was fabulous!!
<3 JENNY <3
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jenny
Dial 1.877.292.5338 to call Jenny. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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