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Bad Reportcard

jesse.jpgI did this call yesterday with a guy I will call Mr. J. Well he said I look a lot like a special little girl in his life. ::wink wink:: He wanted me to sit on his lap and tell him all about my last report card and all the naughty things I had done to my Teacher to get those grades up. While I was doing this he slipped his cock out and stroked it nice and slow. Naughty girls like jerk off boys to do it nice and slow.

Well, while I told him that I had to crawl under the Teachers desk and suck him while class was in session he go so excited he popped his load so high it smacked him in his own face. Talk about funny. I almost pissed myself laughing.

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jesse
Dial 1.866.996.6060 to call Jesse. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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