Twaz the night after halloween, and all thru the dorm, girlies gathered in groups to watch assloads of Porn!
Me with my vibe, and kylie with her dong, I fucked her pink pussy as she tore off my thong! we fucked and we fucked , we went at it for hours, uprooting trees,bushes ,shrubbery and flowers! The girlies got jealous, to see such a display, so they joined in the fuck-fest, as night turned into day.Exhausted and limp, we all lay on the floor, but awoke with a start from a knock on the door. the RA with a key!and some questions to boot,about the sluts of the dorm, in their birthday suits! The door began to open, yet stopped rather quick, as i looked down to the floor, to see Kylies big Dick! That quick thinking hoochie crammed that cock in the jam,with such style and ease that it made me say”damn”! The ra simply asked if everything was alright..”it might be the Flu… i was sick in the nite…”
Ew! he exclaimed and he pulled the door shut and i fell to the floor , a gratefull little slut! The day had been saved, though the door had no lock, we had Kylie to thank, and he big rubber cock!
This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Kylie and TaylorView Kylie and Taylor's PHONE SEX PAGE HERE
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