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Free panties

386.jpgSo I have had a few calls from a very interesting caller lately, I will call him Mister H.  Anyways we have been talking about any and everything imaginable.  Lots of our conversations have been me seductively dominating him.  He has been such an obedient little slut and I just wanted to take a minute out to say thank you for being so much fun to play with.  :-)  (I cannot wait until you get the chasity belt, and I also am looking forward to us shopping together for your new sissy outfits online soon to)

In honor of Mister H. I am going to run a special this month.  He has been saying he wants a pair of my panties.  :-)

So a free pair of panties for all calls over 30 minutes for this week only.  They will be panties saturated in my cum from our phone fuck session.  I do mean saturated, I am a squirter.

This Kinky Coed Kittens blog post written by Jillian
Dial 1.866.676.9614 to call Jillian. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

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