What kind of girl do you look for? Do you want a girl who is book smart or street smart? Do you want a girl who watches the Discovery channel or the History channel? Do you like blondes or brunettes? Short skirts or long? Do you like a woman to take control or be submissive? Do you like a romantic chick or a complete fucking whore? Confidant or timid? What kind of girl do you look for when it comes to sex and dating? I can tell you what kind of girl I am and you can see if this matches up with what you’re looking for
I am:
~Sense of humor
~Complete skankĀ in the bedroom but angel around your friends/family
~I am a girl who would rather watch American Idol over the debate
~My favorite movies are comedy
~Love getting mani’s/pedi’s
~Would rather order in and watch a movieĀ than eat at a fancy restaurant
~Love to dress provocative
~I prefer musicals over opera
~Love high heels and short skirts anytime of the day
~Love bad boys but don’t date them
~Would rather make love in the rain then in a bed
If this sounds like a girl you would like to get to know then I suggest you call me. You will be very pleased you did.
Dial 1.877.292.5338 to call Jenny. Major credit cards accepted by phone for phone sex.

Keep up the good work.